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There's no better way to enjoy the day at Cheltenham than from our most premier enclosure, Club. It's an experience to remember with access to all public areas and spectacular views from the main grandstand, lawn, or Winning Post.
Those with Club Enclosure tickets are permitted to use all public areas, as well as the public areas of The Princess Royal Stand, The Village and The Orchard™ and the central areas, both internally and externally of the Main Grandstand.
A Club ticket gets you entry to the widest selection of food and drink areas at Cheltenham, including all the Tattersalls Enclosure restaurants.
With Paddock Viewing access, you can get up close and personal with the runners and riders in the Parade Ring, then head off to enjoy the racing from the Grandstand's viewing steps and the area past the Winning Post.
Remember, if you have a Club enclosure ticket you have entry to both Tattersalls and Best Mate Enclosures.
You will have access to all the public food and drink outlets, including:
...and much more